A Word Of Advice
If you are purchasing a weanling Please be patient with them, a foal has never had to think for itself, it has always had Mom to think for them, when you take them from Mom they will be scared and their Flee reaction is on high alert, give them a few days to settle in, the stress of weaning alone can cause them to get a cold, imagine how afraid they are with a stranger who is trying to teach them something while they are terrified and looking for their mom, work slow and quiet, dont rush them,dont expect them to be born with knowledge, let them get to know you, too many people want to take their baby home and handle it, work with it and teach it, thats great but wait a few days for them to settle in and adjust dont risk your babies health and safety by rushing them, if you have questions dont hesitate to ask as we are always here for you
also please remember your baby will require special feed as well as a special place to live in the beginning as they are not knowledgeable about fences and in their frantic search for mom can escape or injure themselves
After the 1st few days they will settle down, they just need patience and understanding while going through the transition
Yes we do accept payments so feel free to ask about payment arrangements and terms. ALL FOALS will be expected to be paid for and picked up at weaning time unless other arrangements have been made All we ask is for you to communicate with us ,We will relist foals For Sale after December 1 of their foaling year if not picked up ,We will work with you on your payment schedule, if you miss a payment you are in default of your contract and have 3 days to make the payment and if you miss a 2nd payment the contract is void. If we must take legal action to collect funds, get horses back or any other legal action needed pertaining to a horse transaction you will be expected to pay legal fees as well. If you cannot meet our terms then we will assume you no longer want the animal and any deposit or money paid will be forfeited unless other arrangements have been made, absolutely NO REFUNDS this applies to any and all purchases and payments for any horse these terms are placed here due to the many people who have burned us and taken advantage of us
All Horses sold are sold AS IS